
F-Off™ was made cus I was pissed off at a lot of vague notions of what comics online felt like they were becoming, which was too vast and vapid to have any kind of audience foothold in them unless you were the most vast, most vapid purveyor of Content. And was turned off by what I felt like I had to become in order for the industry at large to look at me. The noise of being online was becoming almost too much for even me. So I started a drawing anti-comics with almost no punchlines and utter visually stupid gags that cluttered up the small oval I decided to draw most of them in. It was my little way of telling that encroaching darkness to go fuck itself.

During my anger in writing this comic, I found a new appreciation of the art form of the single-panel gag comic. Far Side was one of my favorite newspaper strips as a kid, even if I understood very little of the jokes. There was something to them that stuck in my creative maw for some time. A different language and way of communicating arcane thoughts even if those thoughts were the dumbest joke you thought of.

Once my inital anger was up, I decided to stop and try another round of strip comics. I just simply let go of that anger, knowing it would eventually circle back to me (and did) but it was fun while it lasted. Always is when you're drawing full of spite.
